Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The message to the beloved Children of God -Everyday is a Journey !

In honor of Black History Month, known also as African-American History Month in America. Everyday we will have a study on History and God's love.
Dr. Andrea Hayes-Jordan
Dr. Andrea Hayes-Jordan is the country’s first black female pediatric surgeon. She currently serves as an Associate Professor at two major Texas hospitals. A graduate of Dartmouth College and Medical School, Dr. Andrea Hayes-Jordan extended her education an additional two years so that she could become one of the few pediatric surgical oncologists in the country. She dedicated her life to finding cures for some of the rarest types of cancers in children. Dr. Andrea Hayes-Jordan completed her Pediatric Surgery Training in 2002 at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. The good Doctor became the first surgeon in North America to successfully conduct the adult surgery, hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion (CHPP) on a pediatric patient with tumors that had spread to the abdomen. After she extracted a number of tumors, she ran heated chemotherapy agents through the child’s abdominal area to kill any remaining tumor cells she could not reach on her own. She has increased the number of months and years a child stricken with the disease could live.
“The kids are my inspiration. Each time I interact with them, I’m renewed with energy to continue working towards a cure,” says Hayes-Jordan. “I also have an extremely supportive husband and family at home.” - Dr. Andrea Hayes-Jordan, University of Texas MD Cancer Center.
This fact was respectfully submitted by Chastity Moore, the Doctor’s Clinical Research coordinator at M-D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

The message to the beloved Children of God -Everyday is a Journey !
Everyday is a new jouney for all of us. Let us learn to walk in Love for one another. For we don't know what tomorrow will bring, only God knows. So, let us get somethings in order for the jouney of life. Understand that this is a daily jouney, we will have trials and tribulations. Sometimes we will be happy, other times we may be sad, sometimes we will be up and other times down, but we can trust the word of God, He will never change His word. Read Malachi 3:6, For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed. Let us get strength for the journey by reading and studying the word of God daily. Learn to speak the word daily over yourself first, it's in Proverbs 3:5-6,Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. We have a helper for this journey, that will lead and guide us, the Holy Spirit. Understand the Holy Spirit will teach you all things Spiritual. Heavenly Father, we need our spiritual bread everyday. We thank You Lord for always being with us. For we know that there is no one like You Lord. Understand It is a spiritual journey. Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. We thank you Lord for Your word. Amen !

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