Good morning,
The message for the beloved children of God - Gratitude!
How much time do you take to read your email, watch football, the news, or movies? I know some people may think that the message is long, but we all need to hear from the word of God. So, take sometime out for our Lord and Savior daily, grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Him. Im not sorry for the word, but Im sorry if it is to much for you to think about in one day. Are you a person that is grateful __? Do you know anyone that is ungrateful__? Some people take your kindness for your weakness, this is not the spirit of God, it is the spirit of darkness. Do you know want gratitude means? Gratitude means,the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It means to thank someone for something, for doing something on the behalf of another. Always giving God thanks first for all that He has done for us should be daily. Gratitude starts in the heart, not the mind, what is in your heart? I was reading yesterday the story of the ten lepers, they stood at a distance, crying out to Jesus, " Master, have mercy on us"! Understand this Jesus heard their cry: He told them, "Go show yourselves to the priests." The lepers obeyed Jesus, only the priest could declare them to be clean.They were healed, Jesus was watching them celebrating. But something happen, one man returns back to Jesus to give Him thanks.When he saw that he was healed, he came back to Jesus, shouting, "Praise God!" He fell face down on the ground at Jesus feet, thanking Him for what He had done. Jesus asked, " Didn't I healed ten men? Where are the other nine? Understand that the nine was too self-centered, to give thanks onto God for His faithfulness. It has been said, we cannot control our circumstances, but we can control our attitudes. Im talking about being kind to someone and the other person being disrespectful. The art of thanksgiving is one of the most important skills a human being can develop. There is another reason to be thankful for our blessings it is the flow of even more blessings coming our way. Sadly, I believe most of us are somewhat lacking in this area. Read Matthew 7:12,Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Acknowledging the big and small wonders of life are the keys to spiritual growth. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17-19, Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. This one man had been made into a new creature in Christ Jesus, old things had past away. This man was graceful for what the Lord had done for Him. We all need to be graceful daily, weather happy or sad, weather rich or poor ! Heavenly Father, help us to grow in our everyday walk by Your Spirit Lord in Love and Truth. For, we are thankful for your one and only Son Jesus Christ. Let us be wise people and learn from you Lord. Let us begin each day in the spirit of Gratitude! "Be grateful for what you have, not regretful for what you haven't." Wake up with the spirit of Love, not hate. Pray for one another to be renewed by the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for your word. Amen !
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