Saturday, July 21, 2012

The word for this weekend is - Thoughts!

The word for this weekend is - Thoughts!
Let our thoughts and prayers be for the family's and victims of Aurora Colorado, let us pray together by the word of God. Every believer in our modern world is under constant satanic pressure and attack today. Let us take some time out and focus on a group of individuals who are in need of prayer today. Let us show some love towards one another today, let us pray! The question for this weekend is what is on your mind, what is holding you back? In other words, what are you bound to or in bondage to? The bible says, many people are bound to darkness, because they are unequally yoked or associates with those who are unbelievers,read 2 Corinthians 6:14, Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what partnership has light with darkness? Nothing!!! Let us get understanding about this verse, we are in this world with unbelievers,as we walk by the law of God we are a blessed people.We need balance in our life, if we seek God's word then and only then, will we have balance! Let us get some understanding first without Him, there is no balance! Why ? Because, the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, read 2 Corinthians 4:4,In whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of them who believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Satan is directly affected the mind of people, his mission or assignment is to seduce, mislead, deceive, and entice the people. He is the god of this world,he has blinded the minds of them which believe not. He is the Prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world,read Ephesians 6:12,For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. We must renew our minds daily, the word tells us that we should meditate on the word of God daily, read Joshua 1:8,This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. By praying ,reading and studying the word everyday. God has given every man a measure of faith to move and operate with the ability to become a high achiever. Do you not know that your thoughts can put you into a state of being, sad or happy, where you can be expanding spiritual growth, multiply, and increase in God or depressed by the worldly statistics and bound to Satan.God needs your agreement with Him for his will to be done on earth, the devil needs your agreement also with Him in order to work. If you agree with God for His good, you will get good things. If you agree with the devil your seeking bad things. You'll be surprised to learn that everything begins within with a thought, and your thoughts become things manifested. If something comes to your mind that does not match up with the word of God, it's not God. If you stand by the word of God you can cast down anything that is not like God. We must not be conformed to this world, but we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we must prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Thank you Lord for your word. Amen !

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