Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The word for today is - Helping !

Good morning,
The word for today is - Helping !
Both the Old and New Testament writings give many examples of the importance of service and charity.The Bible contains roughly 30 references to God's concern for the widow,the orphan and the fatherless as well , multiple references to His concern for them. Widows, orphans, and the fatherless were the most vulnerable members of society and God expects His people to provide for them with service. God will pass judgment on those who fail to provide service for the most vulnerable members of society.This is the will of our Father to service them.We are not meant to live hard-hearted or self-centered lives,each of us has something to give to one another. When we do this, we can make the world better for someone else and find true meaning and satisfaction in our own lives.Ask yourself today are you a giving person or self-centered person? Are you giving your best to help someone else? We know times are hard for some people,can we do better by helping out? Well, the word of God commands you to help others.The word also says,do not be selfish read Philippians 2:3-4,Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.God expects those who love Him to provide service to others. By providing service to others, we become God's hands reaching out to others.There are different kinds of service,that we can do for others.Think about it today,what can I do that would bring a little joy into someone's life today? Let us make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, oneness read Ephesians 4:3-6, Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace There is one body,and one Spirit,even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;One Lord, one faith, one baptism,One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Let us do want is pleasing to God,read Hebrews 13:16,But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.God wants us to help and love one another,read John 15:12,This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Let us show someone today a little love!Thank you Lord for your word. Amen !

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