Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The word for today is- Friend !

Good morning,
The word for today is - Friend !
We were created to be friends right from the start. Friendship began in the Garden of Eden. God walked with them and God talked with them. But then the friendship was broken. Something or someone got in the way, a new friend that deceived the woman. But God wanted to restore that relationship. Let's look at Genesis 18:17-33, we read about God sharing His intentions with Abraham. Abraham responds by telling God his thoughts and feelings about the situation. God and Abraham are able to do this because they trust and respect each other. God's Word tells us that a friend sticks closer than a brother, and that in order for one to be a friend, one must show themselves friendly  in Proverbs 18:24.  True friendship is both challenging and exciting. It overlooks faults, and it loves unconditionally, but it also involves being truthful, even though it may hurt. Real friendship looks at the heart, friendship loves for love's sake, not just for what it can get in return. God wants us to have friends here on earth. Most of all, He wants us to be friends with Him!  We sometimes, offend a friend without meaning to, God's Word offers a solution. It's called forgiveness. There is no greater example than the love of God for us. It's so great that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, in order that our friendship with God might be restored. He did that in spite of the fact that we have offended Him deeply. We have disobeyed His commands, turned our backs on Him, and followed our own path. So the question remains, What type of friend do you desire to be? Who does Jesus tell us we are?  The Lord Jesus calls us His friends and He laid down His life for us . In John 15:9-17, Jesus tells us that we are his friends.This relationship with the disciples near the end of Jesus’ life in John’s gospel seems to become very intimate. Now he will become their Friend. Not slaves but companions. “I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. No one has greater love than to lay down their life for their friends." “You did not choose me, but I chose you” and “I have called you friends”. The word that Jesus used was “philos” which is the word we get for "Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love." This philos is a friendship love. Genuine friendship, also called "agape" love, comes from the Lord. When Jesus tested his friendship with Peter, Peter had denied him, Jesus asked Peter three times ,if Peter loved him. Like Peter and the disciples, we are being invited to go deeper in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. You see what is more powerful than philos is agape. Friendships that are built upon the grace of Christ that calls us back into a relationship that might bear fruit for the kingdom of God. Thank you God for your word. Amen !

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